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Workshop: ‘Get sleep ready for travel with your little one’

Preu: 20€

Edat: adults


Get Sleep Ready for Travel with Your Little One, is designed to equip parents with the knowledge and tools needed to help their little ones sleep well during travel.

Here’s what you can expect to learn:

  • Creating a Travel-Friendly Sleep Routine: Learn practical tips to establish and maintain a consistent sleep schedule while on the go.

  • Managing Sleep Disruptions in New Environments: Discover techniques to handle sleep challenges in unfamiliar settings.

  • Nap Schedules and Bedtime Routines: Get advice on how to adapt your child’s sleep patterns to different time zones and environments.

  • Keeping Your Baby Calm and Comfortable During Flights: Understand strategies to ensure a peaceful journey for you and your baby.

More information and registration at:

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