Baby Sensory by Tiny Wonders
Info práctica
Activitat: Grups de criança & nadons
Població: Badalona
Modalitat: Presencial
Entitat: Tiny Wonders
Edat: 0-10 mesos
Preu: 15€ (1 sesió mensual) / 25€ (2 sesions mensuals) / 40€ (4 sesións mensuals)
Dimecres, de 10:30 h a 11:30 h
Do you have a baby and want to support their development in a fun and loving way?
Discover the unique benefits of a Tiny Wonders sensory class for babies, created especially for parents looking for more smiles and connection with their babies.
You already dedicate so much time to planning naps and feedings, leaving little room to research the “best” class for your little one’s development. That’s why Tiny Wonder’s Baby Sensory offers a uniquely crafted hour that includes:
A moment of mindfulness
Baby massage techniques
Songs and Story-Time
Baby sign language skills
First steps in the world of sensory play
Connection with other caregivers
Space to swap stories and tips
An hour where you don't have to be in charge
Sounds good?
Join me in creating magical memories—reserve your spot for my next class below.
Monpetit Happywear
75 Carrer del Canonge Baranera - Badalona
Contacta amb la entitat organizadora:
Tel: +34 692862085